2018年12月22日下午1点半,我们在清华大学建馆的79Bar咖啡厅举办了水下摄影展的开幕式,并且与邀请嘉宾尤山山先生,Andy教练以及来观展的小伙伴们探讨、交流了一些关于潜水、水下摄影及水下安全的问题。 At 1:30 pm on December 22, we held the opening ceremony of the photography exhibition at the 79Bar Cafe in Tsinghua University Architecture Department, and discussed with the invited guests, Shawn You, Coach Andy and the friends who came to the exhibition. We exchanged some questions about diving, underwater photography and underwater safety issues. 协会骨干们早早来到活动现场进行准备活动~ Our core members preparing for the event earlier at the site 开幕式开始 Opening ceremony begins 徐建行担任主持 Jianxing Xu as the host 我们首先邀请到的是美国国家地理中文版签约摄影师尤山山先生,同时他也是一位极限运动玩家,以及AIDA自由潜水教练。 We first invited Mr. You Shawn, contract photographer of the Chinese version of National Geographic Magazine,he is also an extreme sports player, as well as AIDA free diving instructor. 他结合着他的“大片”为我们介绍了关于他的专业拍摄技巧、拍摄创意以及安全建议。 Sharing his splendid photographs, Shawn introduced us about his professional shooting skills, creative ideas and safety recommendations. 以下是他超棒的一些拍摄创意分享~ Below are some of his amazing shooting ideas: (摄影:尤山山 Photo by Shawn You) 关于安全建议: About Safety recommendations: 永远不要独自潜水 Never dive alone 了解当地海况 Understand well of the local sea’s conditions 不要盲目挑战自己的极限 Don’t blindly challenge your own limits 接下来讲话的是澳瑞拉名仕潜水国际俱乐部,同时也是清华大学潜水协会的负责教练,资深潜水教练Andy。 The next speaking guest is senior diving coach, Andy, instructor of Aureola International Diving Club, also the head coach of our diving association. Andy教练在与我们的交流中,提到了非常重要也是需要我们随时记住的一些话: During the talk with us, Coach Andy mentioned some very important words that divers should always keep in mind and pay attention to. “在潜水时,如果自己的级别比别人高,要迎合低水平伙伴的水平及能力。” “While you’re diving, if your level is higher than others, you should consider the level ability of your partners.” “第一步是要了解和熟悉自己的装备。” “The very first step of diving is to understand and be familiar with your equipment. ” “如果遇到突发情况,首先要考虑自己的能力再想着去救别人。” “If you encounter unexpected situations, you must think of your own ability first, then think again can you or can you not save another people.” “潜水的最基础标准是做好中性浮力。” “The most basic standard for diving is to be good at neutral buoyancy.” 其次,建行还提到了“如果在海底碰到攻击性动物该怎么办?”这个问题。 Next, Jianxing gave the question “What if we encounter aggressive animals under the sea?” Andy教练的回答是:“第一考虑是要升水,但在进行水肺时不可以急速上升。” Coach Andy answered: "The first consideration is to rise above the water, but you can't rise rapidly when you are scuba diving." 尤老师认为:“不要挑衅,保持一定距离,还有就是放松,不要过度恐惧,进行自我调整,注意不要耗尽氧气。” Shawn think: “Don’t provoke, keep a certain distance, and relax, don't over-fear, make self-adjustment, and be careful not to run out of oxygen.” “潜水的第一原则:保护好自己。” “First principle of diving: Protect yourself.” “做一个勇敢者可以,但不要盲目勇敢。” “Be a brave person, but not blindly brave.” 清华大学学生潜水协会会长冯晓露发表结语讲话 Xiaolu Feng, President of Tsinghua University Student Diver Association, concluded about the event. 潜协会长为尤山山及Andy教练颁发礼物并合影 President Xiaolu Feng gave out the presents to Shawn and Andy. 大家伙合影时间~ Group photo time! 文案:倪纳纳 Copywriter: Nana Ni 现场摄影:倪纳纳 钟沛禧 Live photography: Nana Ni, Peixi Zhong 编辑:朱芮葆 Editor: Ruibao Zhu 感谢清华大学社团发展计划的支持! Thanks to the Student Association Development Support Program of Tsinghua University! |
发布时间:2019-02-27 16:58:26浏览人数:5773 |